A high-quality accessory such as microblading should of course look well maintained and beautiful for as long as possible. And here the aftercare plays a decisive role. Because with incorrect aftercare, the microblading can almost completely “fall out” of the skin. And we pigments are then asked holes in the abdomen, which is why there is nothing left to see of the fresh pigmentation. Although we cannot stand next to the customer to check and see how carefully he proceeds with his microblading like how it is done, it is worthwhile to give him a flyer with care instructions on the way, in which everything is listed again, what needs to be considered.
On the first day, when the pigmentation is still fresh, is a regular careful washing with lukewarm water. It is best to take a moistened cotton pad and rub carefully in the direction of growth. Then we recommend anointing with vitamin E cream. In the days after that, 2x daily ointment (morning / evening) is enough. We advise against other care ointments such as Bepanthen or Vaseline. These either cause too much macrophage formation or clog the pores.
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When applying vitamin E cream, two aspects are important: Only a very thin layer of cream should be applied (the skin must still be able to breathe), and please do not do this with your finger, but with a cotton swab, because the fresh microblading, even if it does not seem like it, is a fresh wound into which no bacteria should penetrate. The ointment ensures that the scab is soft and that the wound is protected from contamination.
Despite itching, scratching is of course strictly prohibited. Furthermore, microblading should not be exposed to the sun for the first ten days in order not to fade. Sweaty sports and sauna also flush out the paint in the worst case. After about 5-8 days, the wound healing phase is completed. A final color result is determined after about 3 weeks or after the first cuticle layer change.
In general, the fresh microblading should be kept clean. This customer education can be summarized with the 6-S rule: No sun, no solarium, no sauna, no swimming, no make-up, no sweating.
If these rules are observed, chances are good that the pigmentation will be cleary visible even after the three-week healing phase. For a rich color result, however, we recommend reworking in most cases.